The best ways to scale your business

If you want to make 2017 the best year yet for your business, there are a few things you’ll want to focus on in order to scale effectively (you’re going to need more than just marketing skills to scale up). Keep in mind that most of these suggestions will only work for growth stage businesses, … Continue reading The best ways to scale your business

How To Use Market Research To Grow Your Business

Compared to the 20th century,the modern market has changed significantly. Each day we become more and more global. A lot of online and offline businesses open. And if we look back to the past, we will see that business was completely controlled by men, and women had to work hard and prove their ability to … Continue reading How To Use Market Research To Grow Your Business

Are businesses making the most of social media?

After initially being sidelined as the preserve of consumer marketing, social media has since made inroads into B2B. A new report from B2B market research agency, DigitalBloke, reveals just how far it has come, and where it’s going next. Andrew Dalglish discusses key highlights from the study. Did you know that 83% of B2B businesses are … Continue reading Are businesses making the most of social media?

Market Research Basics

Before you launch that new product or service, don’t forget to perform market research to make sure you will be filling one of your ideal customer’s unmet needs.  From Defining Your Target Consumer, we know that this ideal customer, or target consumer, is someone who “is both interested in your product or service and willing to … Continue reading Market Research Basics

Why market research is important when starting a new business?

Have you done your research? What is important when doing research for start-ups and how should you handle researching as part of starting a new business. In this article we will discuss whether market research is important when starting a new business and what you need to consider. Typically, start-ups will get very enthusiastic in … Continue reading Why market research is important when starting a new business?

Is Market Research Really Needed In Internet Marketing?

Marketing experts will always tell you that market research is something necessary for any smart business manager. You can know everything about products, services and the industry and still end up faced with huge problems in your internet marketing campaigns because of a lack of market research. If you want to be really good at … Continue reading Is Market Research Really Needed In Internet Marketing?

7 Benefits Of Branding Your Company Will Experience

Want to grow your company like never before? Branding is the way to do it. One study showed that 77% of marketing leaders in the business-to-business (B2b) realm cite branding as being critical to their growth. Another study shows that 9% of today’s B2B marketers consider brand awareness to be their most important objective, with sales/ lead generation falling … Continue reading 7 Benefits Of Branding Your Company Will Experience

Three Essentials Every Startup Needs Before Launch

You’ve decided to take the plunge and you’re going to start your own business. While it can often be daunting, there are a number of ways to ensure that the initial stages go as smoothly as possible, and before you even make your first sale, you need to have worked through a checklist of start-up … Continue reading Three Essentials Every Startup Needs Before Launch

Why Market Research Is Important for Startup Businesses

Market research should never be overlooked by any business, big or small. When starting up a business, one of the most important things you can do to start off on the right foot is conduct thorough and effective market research. The majority of businesses enjoy long-lasting success through conducting regular market research to understand their target … Continue reading Why Market Research Is Important for Startup Businesses

5 Strategies For Increasing The Visibility Of Your Brand

Whether you’re a small start-up with high hopes and strategies in place, or an established and well-loved business, growing brand visibility should always be a priority. Growing your customer base through visibility is usually the backbone of any business, as it brings in revenue and establishes a reputation that can promote the longevity of a company. DigitalBloke … Continue reading 5 Strategies For Increasing The Visibility Of Your Brand