The post How To Use Social Psychology In Your Sales Funnel appeared first on ClickFunnels. One of the biggest hindrances marketeers feels these days is understanding the psychology of the customers. No one can read minds and tell what the customer is thinking or feeling. In order to comprehend what your audience buys, you need to learn the … Continue reading HOW TO USE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY IN YOUR SALES FUNNEL

Do You Use Social Psychology In Your Sales Funnel?

One of the biggest hindrances marketeers feels these days is understanding the psychology of the customers. No one can read minds and tell what the customer is thinking or feeling. In order to comprehend what your audience buys, you need to learn the social psychology of the purchaser and this is where Sales Funnel comes … Continue reading Do You Use Social Psychology In Your Sales Funnel?

What Can You Expect from a PPC Management Company?

PPC, Pay-Per-Click, is a form of advertising that is well known to internet marketers and online business owners. However, there are just as many professionals who do not fully understand PPC and how it can have a positive impact on their online advertising goals. Although it is a powerful online marketing tactic, it is important … Continue reading What Can You Expect from a PPC Management Company?

Five Cold Calling Tips that Drive Sales Acceleration

We all know that effective selling is getting harder. Research points to one answer: most of the buying decisions have been made before the process really starts. In fact, 86% of B2B buyers start out with a clear preference for a supplier, and 94% end up buying from their preferred company.[1] To beat this, your sales process needs … Continue reading Five Cold Calling Tips that Drive Sales Acceleration

5 Ways to Expand Your Business

The U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) recommends that you plan and prepare for new challenges. Research how you want to grow, determine which ideas work for your business, and then develop a marketing plan and implement the changes. You can make more money, engage more customers, and expand and grow your business. The following ideas … Continue reading 5 Ways to Expand Your Business

How and Why to Use Segmentation in B2B Marketing

Segmentation is increasingly important for successful B2B marketing, and for marketing in general. That’s because the prevailing trends include an emphasis on personalization, or targeting and customizing the message according to specific recipients or audience groups. Many marketers have noticed a significant impact in their conversion and lead generation metrics when they make personalization a core element of … Continue reading How and Why to Use Segmentation in B2B Marketing

5 Common Internet Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

If you’re not having the results you anticipated from your digital marketing strategy, any of the marketing mistakes listed below could be the reason. Web marketing strategies can be very productive when applied in the right way, but there is a reasonable percentage of error. Any of these common mistakes can harm your online marketing rather … Continue reading 5 Common Internet Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Market Research Basics

Before you launch that new product or service, don’t forget to perform market research to make sure you will be filling one of your ideal customer’s unmet needs.  From Defining Your Target Consumer, we know that this ideal customer, or target consumer, is someone who “is both interested in your product or service and willing to … Continue reading Market Research Basics

Market Research Will Take Your Business to the Next Level

Small business owners have been told about market research from DigitalBloke so much that it’s always in the back of their minds. But how they react is what’s going to make or break their company. The truth is that understanding social and economic frameworks is an essential part of success, but businesses have not always had access … Continue reading Market Research Will Take Your Business to the Next Level

4 Tips to Take Your B2B Marketing Efforts to the Next Level

Achieving significant results in business-to-business (B2B) marketing is a challenge to many businesses, especially small businesses. Today’s business environment is dynamic and highly competitive. Businesses cannot rely on traditional marketing tactics in a digital world. In the past, every sales process involved face-to-face interactions with clients. Business owners focused on training their sales personnel to … Continue reading 4 Tips to Take Your B2B Marketing Efforts to the Next Level