Digital Marketing: What (Still) Works?

Advertising has come a long way over the last few decades, far beyond simple poster ads and TV commercials. With hundreds of different types of advertising, digital and other, it can be hard to know what forms of marketing actually work. There’s going to be a lot of variation, depending on the industry you’re in … Continue reading Digital Marketing: What (Still) Works?

5 Easy and Smart Ways to Attract Customers to Your Online Store

Being that we live in a digital world, the demand for online shopping keeps increasing with each passing day. This means that e-commerce stores have to up their game to stay ahead of the competition. Attracting customers to your online store can be quite challenging. In fact, the major challenge facing online businesses, especially startups, … Continue reading 5 Easy and Smart Ways to Attract Customers to Your Online Store

Promote Your Company Without All The Hassle

Most business owners we know hate the process of marketing their companies. That if often because there are thousands of different ways to reach their audiences. However, some are better than others, and most businesses lose a lot of money discovering that fact. In most circumstances, you have to use a process of trial and … Continue reading Promote Your Company Without All The Hassle

How to Do An SEO Audit for The Mobile-First Index

Google’s rollout of a mobile-first indexing algorithm is big news in the industry of late, and for good reason. Opinions broadly vary over the magnitude and impact of this change. For some, it seems a matter of tweaks, for others it’s a wait-and-see situation. This blog treats the update as a queue for a good … Continue reading How to Do An SEO Audit for The Mobile-First Index

What Should You Change When Your Profits Are Falling?

The world of business can be tough. You’re likely to experience many roadblocks along the way when you run a company. Things like employee disputes and legal issues can put a wrench in the works. But financial problems are often the most damaging. When you start to see your profits falling, it’s time to take … Continue reading What Should You Change When Your Profits Are Falling?

7 Ways To Get More Email Subscribers Through On-site Retargeting

Email marketing is one of the most effective sources for lead nurturing and management. After all, 42 percent of companies name email as one of their most effective lead generation tools. On-site retargeting works by monitoring the behavior of your visitors in real-time on your site. When a visitor’s behavior indicates they might be looking towards … Continue reading 7 Ways To Get More Email Subscribers Through On-site Retargeting

Five Cold Calling Tips that Drive Sales Acceleration

We all know that effective selling is getting harder. Research points to one answer: most of the buying decisions have been made before the process really starts. In fact, 86% of B2B buyers start out with a clear preference for a supplier, and 94% end up buying from their preferred company.[1] To beat this, your sales process needs … Continue reading Five Cold Calling Tips that Drive Sales Acceleration

7 Inexpensive Branding Ideas for Your Start-Up Business

Modern businesses have an excess of platforms and tools to reach their audience. This creates the challenge of separating yours from the rest. You could spend money on advertising but small budgets make it near unsustainable. Sales drop-off with dwindling ad budgets. Here’s the thing: Branding your business costs less than many advertising campaigns. Effective small business … Continue reading 7 Inexpensive Branding Ideas for Your Start-Up Business

4 Tips for Creating a Brand Identity for Your Business

A study asked business to business (B2B) marketers what was their #1 most important business goal. 89% of those marketers answered the same way, can you guess what it was? No, not sales, not lead generation, but brand awareness. When it comes to creating a brand for your business, it is essential you take your time and strategically plan … Continue reading 4 Tips for Creating a Brand Identity for Your Business

5 Ways to Expand Your Business

The U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) recommends that you plan and prepare for new challenges. Research how you want to grow, determine which ideas work for your business, and then develop a marketing plan and implement the changes. You can make more money, engage more customers, and expand and grow your business. The following ideas … Continue reading 5 Ways to Expand Your Business