Google To Remove AdWords Average Position Metric

For nearly the past two decades, the average position metric in Google Ads has been an essential key performance indicator for many users. The chances are if you produce or receive Google Ads reports, then you’ll probably find the metric in there. As the old saying goes “nothing lasts forever” and unfortunately that saying is … Continue reading Google To Remove AdWords Average Position Metric

Google Introduces 4 New Search Ad Position Metrics

The major advertising platforms are adjusting metrics to increase transparency of their digital ad systems. Google's latest changes in metrics serves as a reminder to marketers that what previously may have been considered good practice is quite possibly out of date. Google Introduces New Ad Metrics Marketers running ad campaigns have long wanted to know … Continue reading Google Introduces 4 New Search Ad Position Metrics

What happens after Average Position is gone

Google Ads has announced it will no longer report on ‘average position’ later this year. Average Position in Reports When the ‘average position’ metric disappears from all reports, Optmyzr will automatically handle this in scheduled, automated reports. Specific details will be shared as we get closer to the sunset date but we plan to make this a … Continue reading What happens after Average Position is gone

Goodbye Average Position, and why we’re happy about it

Google Ads are going to be phasing out and removing the Average Position (avg. position) metric entirely over the coming months. This comes after the recent addition of metrics such as ‘very top of page’ and ‘top of page (above organic)’, two metrics far better suited to reporting on ad prominence. This coupled with the very … Continue reading Goodbye Average Position, and why we’re happy about it

Google’s Average Position Exits Stage Left

Google is continuing to keep advertisers on their toes by bringing changes to how we’ve historically viewed competitive position for search ads. Last week, they announced that average position will be riding off into the sunset come September of this year, giving way to a group of new metrics recently released in Q4 2018. This … Continue reading Google’s Average Position Exits Stage Left

Facebook Ads For Dentists – Why FB Ads Matter In 2019!

Facebook Ads are driving lots of new dental patients to dental offices. Many dental offices don’t care about Facebook because business is good and they have plenty of patients. They feel they don’t need Facebook ads. All dental offices SHOULD care. Facebook is NOT creating new patients. Facebook ads are siphoning off ‘would be’ referrals, … Continue reading Facebook Ads For Dentists – Why FB Ads Matter In 2019!

How to use Facebook Ads for Dental Lead while practicing

Growing a dental practice can be SUPER challenging with the continuous changes in the healthcare and insurance industries. You often struggle to break even financially even if you own your practice. You want to get a steady flow of leads coming in the office. We’ll show you how with Facebook ads for dental leads. The fact that you are reading this post means you are already … Continue reading How to use Facebook Ads for Dental Lead while practicing

Facebook Ads Are a Total Flop for Most Small Businesses: is it true?

According to website creator Weebly, 62% of Facebook ad campaigns are unsuccessful…. and I’m certain the percentage of failed campaigns is EVEN HIGHER for dentists. Why? I’ve looked through dozens of dental practice ad accounts and it’s obvious that the dentists who create these ads don’t understand that advertising on Facebook is different than any other type … Continue reading Facebook Ads Are a Total Flop for Most Small Businesses: is it true?

How help Google Ads and Facebook Ads for Dental Marketing

Install a Facebook Pixel on your website, then continue to use Google Ads. That way, everybody who visits your website, and even specific pages within your website, will be captured and placed into a bucket, so to speak. Then, I would re-target those people with a Facebook or Instagram Ad, obviously testing the big variables … Continue reading How help Google Ads and Facebook Ads for Dental Marketing